You may have been wondering how Fan Token™ Staking will affect other features on
Or, you may think you already know based on what we’ve told you so far in this thrilling educational content series. If you haven’t read the earlier articles you can now, here and here.
Or, you may be curious, or just really cool about it, or maybe a little nervous.
However you are feeling about this topic, we’re here for you.
Get ready to have all your questions answered. And if you don’t have any questions, well we think you should know how it all works anyway! So, read on!
If you want to participate in a poll, then you’ll need to first stake Fan Tokens™ for the team that is running the poll.
If you have already staked all your Fan Tokens™ for a certain team then you can participate in all the polls run by that team. For example, if you own $JUV Fan Tokens and stake them all, then you can take part in all the polls Juventus run.
Very much the same as polls, you’ll need to stake to participate. And if you’ve already staked your Fan Tokens then you are good to go!
You don’t need to stake your Fan Tokens to use the predictor feature.
Locker Room
Staked Fan Tokens™ can’t also be used for Locker Room. So, that means using unstaked Fan Tokens or acquiring more to participate if your Fan Tokens are staked.
That’s it! Your standardised, concise, one page (on google docs) guide to how Fan Token Staking relates to other features on the app. By now, you’re something of an expert. But, there’s gonna be a couple more articles heading your way soon, too. Just to make sure you’ve got absolutely everything you could possibly need to become a Fan Token Staking guru.